Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving might be my very favorite holiday. It seems to be less impacted by materialism (though they have tried to ruin it with Black Friday nonsense). Instead, the holiday is mostly for gathering with friends, family and a table full of food. Sometimes references are made to that “first thanksgiving” to remind us of that mythical time when those native to these lands were welcoming to the newcomers.

For me, this holiday reminds me to practice gratitude. This is my spiritual practice. It is an awareness and acknowledgement of my many, many blessings. There are the obvious blessings of family, home, community and friendships. There are the less obvious ones of hardships that grew me into the person I am today. Taking some time to reflect on all the various blessings that have brought me to this place is grounding and comforting. May you find comfort in your many blessings, even as new ones come your way.